Crowd reactions to Johnny Damon.
Ryan Smith
Mike Thomas: I told you Damon was a serious faggot.
Nick Bernier: Let 'em have Damon, when he attempts to throw someone out at home and he can barely reach the pitcher's mound, they'll wonder where their 52 million went.
Matthew Murray: say it isn't so Johnny say it isn't so... Damon your no longer my Homeboy
Thompson Lewis: f-damon. I suppose if the Republican Party can Co-Opt God, then it's not that surprising the Evil Empire can take Jesus.
Ryan Clemens: I can't believe the Sox missed out on a chance to sign Damon for only 4 years when he was looking for 7 years at the start. However, if the Yanks were willing to give up $13M a year for him, when it seemed the next best offer was only $10M a year, so be it. He's definitely going to be missed for his defense, leadoff abilities, and popularity within Red Sox Nation.
I am just SHOCKED that he could just become a Yankee and already start saying "we" after being a member of the Red Sox for 4 years and knowing how much of a rivalry there is between the two teams. But seriously, WHO cares, the yanks still have to deal with the Curse of A-ROD!!!
Jessica Kazowski: My wishes for Christmas: World peace and a mysterious scalp disease for Johnny Damon.
Alyssa Sette:
Johnny demonstrates what position he will be in when Jeter and A-Rod are behind him. That's funny, I thought Johnny was a center fielder, not a catcher.
To get in on this rant, post your comments. As always, the best ones will find their way into the main body of the post.
Dear Johnny,
Go fuck yourself, you bag of douche.
Red Sox Nation
Mike Thomas: I told you Damon was a serious faggot.
Nick Bernier: Let 'em have Damon, when he attempts to throw someone out at home and he can barely reach the pitcher's mound, they'll wonder where their 52 million went.
Matthew Murray: say it isn't so Johnny say it isn't so... Damon your no longer my Homeboy
Thompson Lewis: f-damon. I suppose if the Republican Party can Co-Opt God, then it's not that surprising the Evil Empire can take Jesus.
Ryan Clemens: I can't believe the Sox missed out on a chance to sign Damon for only 4 years when he was looking for 7 years at the start. However, if the Yanks were willing to give up $13M a year for him, when it seemed the next best offer was only $10M a year, so be it. He's definitely going to be missed for his defense, leadoff abilities, and popularity within Red Sox Nation.
I am just SHOCKED that he could just become a Yankee and already start saying "we" after being a member of the Red Sox for 4 years and knowing how much of a rivalry there is between the two teams. But seriously, WHO cares, the yanks still have to deal with the Curse of A-ROD!!!
Jessica Kazowski: My wishes for Christmas: World peace and a mysterious scalp disease for Johnny Damon.
Alyssa Sette:
Dear Johnny...
why did you sell your soul to the devil? you suck at life. you are a modern day Benedict Arnold. you should be ashamed of yourself.
fuck off,
Johnny demonstrates what position he will be in when Jeter and A-Rod are behind him. That's funny, I thought Johnny was a center fielder, not a catcher.
To get in on this rant, post your comments. As always, the best ones will find their way into the main body of the post.

Q: What would Johnny Damon do?
A: Slap the cheek of Red Sox Nation with his girly arm.
Your membership is revoked, Johnny. Time to take down that massive poster in Kenmore Square and burn it.
11:35 PM
Nothing like the inane comments of jilted lovers.
To bad the King of the Idiots gave up his throne to save himself from the sinking ship.
2:26 PM
never liked him anyways
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