As some of you are aware, the Celebrity Jeopardy skits are some of the funniest skits that have ever been performed on SNL. Unless you're unemployed and watch reruns on Comedy Central all day, chances are you're not going to see many of them in the few brief hours you watch television per week. My friends, let me introduce you to a little invention called "the internet", it isn't just for pornography, spam e-mail and blogs anymore. Many websites have sprung up and host some of the best video content available ... In this case, all of the Celebrity Jeopardy skits.
So point your web browsers over to YouTube.com and peep all the hilarious imatations of Sean Connery, French Stweart, Burt Reynolds (Terd Ferguson), and Michael Keaton.
Just click the link.
[Thanks to Traci for the sick ass link via IM.]
So point your web browsers over to YouTube.com and peep all the hilarious imatations of Sean Connery, French Stweart, Burt Reynolds (Terd Ferguson), and Michael Keaton.
Just click the link.
[Thanks to Traci for the sick ass link via IM.]

there goes any thoughts of productivity. easily the best SNL skits, this "internet" thing is my hero!
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