Madonna's Camel Toe
Note to Madonna, you may want to ditch wearing the purple leotard whatever the hell it is you're rocking because we can all totally see your camel toe.
Sorry to be so lewd, I just can't stand this bitch. I don't get it, are you a whore, saint, religious freak, mother, performer, dance skank? I just don't get it.
Sorry to be so lewd, I just can't stand this bitch. I don't get it, are you a whore, saint, religious freak, mother, performer, dance skank? I just don't get it.

dude i fuckng love madonna... just kause shes hot and u kant have her shouldnt mean that you can dis her...
below is my email... write back...
1:11 PM
ewww thats totally discusting i mean you guys r with her for having camel toe, im just happy she is a human and got a gina because she looks great for age!
10:48 AM
maddona aint great but you shouldnt dis her for having a camel toe at the end of the day we all have bad days!!! would you like it if someone done it to you ?
8:41 PM
mmmmm que buena conchita la de Madonna, con ese nuevo look le doy toda la noche!!! jajja
4:55 AM
Madona is old and past it. She is well past her sell by date. She has arms like a man and always used controversy to promote herself. Just because she has millions that makes her a good person? I doubt it. She used to be nice in '85, but that was 25 years ago. She puts herself up there as mutton dressed up as lamb then she deserves everything she gets.
7:55 PM
dude, i totally agrre with you, i don't hate her as a person, but i do hate her act, no one in their 50's should be allowed to wear that kind of clothes in public, sure she was hot in her day, but that was quite a bit ago, if she wants to go on making music, fine, do it, but she might want to accept the fact that she's not 20 anymore.
7:20 PM
oohh come on man, what the fuck does age have to do with it. I'm telling you have you seen the outfits 50 year olds are supposed to wear!!! Disgusting..I'm so not wearing that shit even when I'm way, and if I was dancing around a stag in front of millions, I would deffinetly not!!!
4:43 AM
these days madonna is just annoying! she was alright back in the 80s but now WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU. SO JUST FUCKING GO AWAY
wtf is up with her deflated hair anyways? its like a very poor attempt @ farrah fawcet. i can sum up madonna= just plain singer and UNORIGINAL. gives all the credit to herself, when others were the first ones!
1:26 PM
OH well dont get mad at eachother because shes got a grose camel toe! and it is very sick. i agree with one of you guys "she was alright back in the 80s but now WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU. SO JUST FUCKING GO AWAY" is toatly the right thing to say!
1:26 PM
OH well dont get mad at eachother because shes got a grose camel toe! and it is very sick. i agree with one of you guys "she was alright back in the 80s but now WE DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU. SO JUST FUCKING GO AWAY" is toatly the right thing to say!
12:30 AM
just because she is a cleb doesn't mean we should judge her.
so what that she got a camel toe.
no one cares, we really dont want to know about stuff like that.
6:11 PM
lolz ahhh all u guys judging who eva put the pic on, but y? u's must have been lookin 4 sumthin that ya shouldnt have 2 end up here
9:05 AM
"how many millions of dollars do u have again...?" Yes thats right, she is worth a lot of money, she is rich, fithy rich, that makes her a good person, the richer you are the better you are, that just makes sense. (You dont get that rich by being a saint)
5:27 PM
every girls has a camel toe
7:55 AM
shes 48 years old, if you look good then its fine to wear that, she doesnt wear her stage clothes on the streets. shes a fab Entertainer, life doesnt stop when your 30 and she is proving that. people just cant stand her as you havent got the energy and the confidance to do whats shes doing.
everyone just gets worried on what would people say if they dressed or what they look like, which is sad
shes a strong lady and shes brill
10:22 PM
she will be 50 in 2008! does she have to sing and perform...hell no, but she does it cuz she loves it and it's what she does best and if you don't like it, then don't go to her shows or buy her music. i don't get why all these celebs are trying to adopt foreign kids these days now though. then they'll have nannys, daycare workers, maids, and assistants looking after 'em anyways?!
3:28 PM
alri shes 50 i get it but her music is classic and always will be
9:51 PM
If being an individual is a crime, then we shud al b in jail!!
5:24 AM
People can do or wear what ever the fuck they want at what ever age they want its as simple as that if you dont like someone Dont watch them!.. i myself think her music is shit but that dosent mean i have to abuse the fuck out of her theres to clebs for that.. i would end up wasting half my life :D
10:07 AM
"lolz ahhh all u guys judging who eva put the pic on, but y? u's must have been lookin 4 sumthin that ya shouldnt have 2 end up here "
can anyone understand this? stay in school kids!
1:38 PM
guo madonna es mejor q t quitews ese trapo y dejate ver la cuca por q lo q se ve es q esta bien rica cuca cuca cuca de madonna me la voy a penetrar
11:45 PM
yo shes a fukin milf. so wut that shes got a camel toe? leave her alone, its her pussy not urs
12:29 AM
Mmm que les pasa a todos ustedes?? por lo visto su cultura musical deja mucho de que hablar,.. Madonna por el solo hecho de ser quien es deberia de tener su respeto, y si van a hablar de ella, reconozcan su trabajo como un artista que constantemente esta mejorando, superandose y trabajando por lo que quiere. Ustedes deberían aprender algo bueno de ella. What is wrong with you!! I can see that your musical culture is poor, Madonna,.. just for who she is, should have your respect, and if you are gonna talk about her, recognize her work as an artist who is always improving and working for what she wants. U should learn something from her.
4:39 PM
camel toes are hot.
3:40 AM
MADONNA is the best !
Vive Madonna and her fans!
She is just the Number one..
7:27 PM
ehh... te explico...
madonna es la mas diosaa diiva deee la música por DONDE LA MIRESS... te das cuenta q es una diosa fisicamente y como persona entocnes... al carajo con todos los q la putean, nose quienes se creeen q son para putearla si ni suiqera la concoen como persona...
les cuento..
las apariencias engañan...
lo q se ve desde afuera no necesariamente es asi por adentro..
entonces navos.. pliss callense y dejen de decir boludeces, hay cosas mas importantes por las cuales uno puede hacer.., en ves de criticar..
11:53 PM
you're saying camel toe like it's a bad thing...?!
Madonna is hot at any age, and she'd fuck your brains out if you had any left, and if she had all sense of good taste
11:03 PM
Actually, it's in poor taste because you shouldn't show the outline of your vagina in your costume. Some things are meant to be private.
I think Madonna is gross anyway. There's something nasty about her.
I don't care how young she looks, she's NASTY.
1:47 AM
ngentot dengan madonna.. gak kebayang deh..... tapi kayaknya enak cuma sama aja dgn ngentot dengan nenek-nenek....
3:09 AM
hahaha thats funny!!! Madonna like all weird now!! i love her songs from the 80s/90s
9:18 AM
DUH!! Don't you think she knows it shows????
4:56 PM
porq noi se miran la suja hijos de p............. no se sarpan asi vajanse bien a la mierda mogolicos con mim idola no e matan..
lo odio
la fan naber 1
pd:y les reiterooo no se metan con mi idola mirense la suja aver si8 les gusta.....
4:56 PM
porq noi se miran la suja hijos de p............. no se sarpan asi vajanse bien a la mierda mogolicos con mim idola no e matan..
lo odio
la fan naber 1
pd:y les reiterooo no se metan con mi idola mirense la suja aver si8 les gusta.....
1:44 PM
hey madonna how are you my love im edon from kosovo and i love you so much i like to hova your email
my email is
by by by by by
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
i love you
1:04 PM
She Looks Better, And Is In Better Shape Than Most Of You Fat Asses Sitting At Your Computer, Drinking Your 15th Mocha Java Frappuccino...
4:25 PM
Sure she's got a camel toe, and yeah, it's a little sick. But.. I have seen worse. Yes she was pretty hott and steller back in the 80's (which was before I was born heh) and I agree most of her music now kinda sucks, save for a few. But you do have to admit she does look pretty good for her age. Maybe she just needs to tone it down a little. She doesn't need to go frumpy and all that jaz, but put on a nice pair of sexy pants instead of a leatard? ........... As for you guys who are dissing the hell out of her... you always so negative? Chillax, don't get so offended or serious over a pic and comments like this. You'll die quicker. lol. Enjoy, thanks for reading, have fun.
7:39 PM
Madonna is sexy and Madonna is hot!!!
Yes,she is 48 but she looks like 20!!
Are you to stupit to see that?
Madonna is the best singer in the whole world,that is a fact!
Did you ever see her in a music video like Sorry or Hung Up? She is so amazing!!
She can dance,she can sing and is a great mother too.
Real Madonna-Fans shoud agree with me!
Madonna is rich but not that makes her agreat person ,it is her character and her voice!
5:30 AM
Why can't anybody spell on any of these comments? Is everybody Drunk? Forget the camel toe lets work on spelling.... shall we.
8:13 PM
7:37 AM
sorry but you should take it easy, calm down a bit, I mean, you will never agree, personally I think she's disgusting, but I don't go yell at others because THEY like her. But it is pretty creepy thinking that a woman in her late fifty's are hot, when she's practically plastic, sorry, but that's just what I think about all this. But either way, you will never agree, because really, it's everyone's own opinion.
Just remember that she's a musician and no matter how many of you who decide to hate her, she still get's popular because that's her lot in life...
I must admit that I kind of give some of you guys right, the one's finding this fifty old woman atractive should really go out and get laid, really. If I had a boyfriend who was "Jerking it off" to Madonna, I would find it strange and actually, it would probably make me feel a bit thrown away, I mean, if you can find a Fifty year old more atractive than a Twenty year old...
Peace out...
If anyone has a comment
my Mail would be
1:04 AM
loves camel toes
would love to see more
9:13 AM
Bush is forever saying that democracies do not invade other countries and start wars. Well, he did just that. He invaded Iraq, started a war, and killed people. What do you think? How does that work in a democracy again? How does being more threatening make us more likeable?Isn't the country with
the most weapons the biggest threat to the rest of the world? When one country is the biggest threat to the rest of the world, isn't that likely to be the most hated country?
Our country is in debt until forever, we don't have jobs, and we live in fear. We have invaded a country and been responsible for thousands of deaths.
We have lost friends and influenced no one. No wonder most of the world thinks we suck. Thanks to what george bush has done to our country during the past three years, we do!
7:16 PM
I don't think every girl has a camel toe
7:21 PM
I have always thought of Madonna as a disgrace to the world we live in presently. She acts like a devil.
1:07 PM
Hey, opinions are like a-holes, everyone has one. Personally, i'd love to have that toe grinding into my face.
4:33 PM
1:47 PM
i fink she looks bloddy great 4 er age leave err alone just cos u dnt like er dnt mean u ave 2 say fings like dat bout er.i fink she rocks.
2:44 PM
The best thing with madonna is that she's able tp start these kinds of discussions ^^ You're not a good person if you're not able to be hated. That's the way it is.
11:09 AM
I cant stand ciccone either
2:21 PM
Madonna is a no-talent hack that was a fad that just wouldn't die. The only thing that made her famous, was her ability to show us her "privates". One thing is for certain, in 30 years when my grandkids find out about Madonna they're gonna ask ... "Grandpa, what in the fuck were you guys thinking"?
9:34 PM
wtf camel toe is hot
12:01 AM
The whole camel toe thing is very funny. I just came across a cameltoe video.
5:36 AM
madonna is way hotter now than ever. super hot milf. shame theres no recent nude pics. :(
shes so fucking hot.
5:54 PM
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