T-Minus how many days?
Ok, when the hell am I getting in the car and heading to Boulder? I wanted to be outta here by Wednesday, however the daunting amount of tasks awaiting to be completed at work are prohibiting an early egress from the East Coast. Realistically, I'll probably be there at some point this weekend. I'd like to get out there by Friday afternoon and head to Copper Mountain with Cousin Ry, but that seems like a long-shot at best. There is just too much shit to get done between now and then. I still need to box and ship some stuff out there, organize my apartment, transfer the utilities to The Duke's name and clean up the cluster bomb that went off in my room.
Here are some things I have realized over the past weeks...
Here are some things I have realized over the past weeks...
- I own entirely too much clothing. I worked at the Gap for over two years and it shows. I have an unhealthy addiction to buying crap on sale from that store.
- My liver can still take an absolute pounding. This is evident from the actions that transpired on Friday and Saturday night.
- My friends kick ass and I am going to miss them very badly. You know who you are, thanks for making the past two weeks special.
- My car is going to drag ass all the way to CO since I will be filling it to the gills.
- Tax refunds kick ass. I want a new HDTV for when I get to Boulder. Probably not the wisest investment, which means I probably won't be getting one. C'mon, I'm somewhat responsible with money!