My mother has offiically lost it...
As some of you may or may not be aware, Jeff Slinn is now an uncle. Yeah, it is scary. His brother Nathan and his wife Kerri have a beautiful baby girl. Well, Kerri came into the office yesterday to pick up their payroll and brought the baby with her. Just about every female in the building had their baby-radar on and immediately ran out to reception to see her. So after several minutes of cooing and ooing and aaahing I get this email from my mother. I think she is officially on acid or perkasets or some other mind altering drug.
T-unit, you're losin it. If you think you're gettin' any grandchildren outta me you got a long ass wait.

T-unit, you're losin it. If you think you're gettin' any grandchildren outta me you got a long ass wait.

Play it like an MMP should. Take a vacation in Vegas tell your mom you married a porn star and that she can't have kids because that would ruin her carreer. You solve the mother marriage pressure and get a little of your own back at her!
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