Introducing Beer Roulette.
Ladies and gentlemen, this past weekend at Loon Mountain we had a revelation of some sorts. You see, we were all sitting in a hotel room and had exhausted our options of drinking games. I know, how crazy is it that we completely ran out of ideas for drinking games!? Well, here's what happened. We just finished up a game of Cape-Cod High Low and were sitting around wondering what next to do with ourselves. That is when Rusty, Andrew, Charlie, Amanda and I had an epiphany. The game is called Beer Roulette and here's how you play...
I have selected poorly, time to drink that cold rock.
- Buy several cases of beer.
- Rent a hotel room.
- Empty all the dresser drawers.
- Make one person hide in the hotel rooms bathroom.
- While this individual is hiding in the bathroom, take three beers out of the fridge/cooler/case.
- Hide one of the beers in an empty drawer. Then hide two of the beers in another drawer.
- Instruct the person to come out of the bathroom and select a drawer to open.
- If they open an empty drawer, they have lucked out. If they have opened a drawer that has beers in it, they have to immediately consume the cold rocks.
- Continue to play this game until you run out of beer or have passed out due to alcohol poisoning.
- If you have run out of beer, go buy more.
I have selected poorly, time to drink that cold rock.

only one word; EXCELLENT!
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