Happy Single Awareness Day!
Happy single awareness day everyone! You know what, I'm glad that I am single right now. I don't have the time or energy for a relationship. I just moved here! Now a hookup, that's a completely different scenario. Ha.
So, with hopes to option two, Ryan and I are headed out on the town tonight to some bar throwing an Anti-Valentines Day party. We'll see how this goes. Hopefully it isn't just some place filled to the brim with uggos who couldn't find a date if they were the last member of the opposites sex on the planet.
Here's a Valentine's day greeting from one of MMP's favorite scapegoats, the Hoff.
So, with hopes to option two, Ryan and I are headed out on the town tonight to some bar throwing an Anti-Valentines Day party. We'll see how this goes. Hopefully it isn't just some place filled to the brim with uggos who couldn't find a date if they were the last member of the opposites sex on the planet.
Anthony: be sure to get drunk enough where you dont care who you bring home
Anthony: then your guarenteed to have a good night
Dave: don't want to come home with a lagoon creature
Anthony: just make sure she has all her limbs..no amount of booze changes a hook to a hand
Here's a Valentine's day greeting from one of MMP's favorite scapegoats, the Hoff.

please note : As long as David Hasslehof is alive, the title of "worlds sexiest man" will be filled.
After his death, please forward the title to Stephen Seagal , with Hasslehof's regards
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