This wind blows... Literally.
Ok, WTF is up with the weather here on the East Coast. Seriously, this weekend you could have used a canoe at just about every ski resort, right when the rain let up and changed over to snow the wind kicked itself up to tornado status. What a kick in the friggin' crotch weather event that was. Here's how the conversation would have gone if the east coast and Mother Nature were talking...

East Coast : Sup Mother Nature. Thanks for the decent temperatures and seasonal snowfall amounts so far.
Mother Nature : Ya know, I do what I can. Ohh by the way, remember all that normal weather we were having... Yeah, about that, see I kinda sorta invited the tropics up to the east coast to party for the weekend.
East Coast : But it is MLK weekend! One of the busiest wknds of the season!
Mother Nature : Shaaaaa, about that. Sorry, I invited him up like 6 months ago and didn't realize the date. My bad. He's probably gonna bring along his friends, mild temperatures, driving rain and hurricane winds. Those dudes really like to party, so just a heads up.
East Coast : You're kidding me...
Mother Nature : Ohh, but don't worry. After the tropics leave things will get back to normal. Maybe a little snowfall. (Phone Rings) Yeah, that was hurricane winds, turns out he's gonna stick around a little longer than everyone else.
East Coast : You're a dirty bitch.
9:13 PM
Yeah... so Sunday River was handing out ponchos on Sunday. You know it's bad when 4 lifts are open and they are handing out ponchos
6:27 PM
Ponchos are for poor people
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