I can't hear you Burger King!
Ok, so we had a sick day at Copper. The forecast called for light snowfall and ended up being over a foot of fresh powder. So, here's a picture of me shredding up the Copper Bowl this afternoon. At some spots, the snow was over two and a half feet deep! We managed to gather up some video of this expereince with Marc's point and shoot digital camera. Me, being the uber dork that I am, arranged this footage to music and now have it available for download. The video quality blows and don't expect any ground breaking cinematography, but what the hell do you expect for video coming off of a $250 point and shoot camera.
Download the video. [ 6 mb, .wmv format]
Download the video. [ 6 mb, .wmv format]

That is some high quality power skiing and a technical cat track run as well.
2:17 PM
Seriously. The. Best. Cat Track. Skiing. Ever.
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