Because everyone likes puppies.
Here he is, Cody Herberger-Parent. If you don't think this dog is adorable, you're evil and deserve to die. Sure, he bites, cries, eats like a horse and poops in odd places... But how can you get mad at a face like that?
6 More pictures of Cody Herberger-ParentCody's parents are John and Jen, this should worry MMP regulars. Everyone knows that John can't even take care of a houseplant and Jen is too busy working and going to school. Something tells me that Cody is going to be one of those rough and tough street dogs. You know, just a steel town dog on a Saturday nigh looking for the fight of its life.

7:58 PM
8:34 PM
omg cutest puppy Ever! and he's wearing a little sweater... aww
10:13 AM
umm this dog is too adorable for the ugly name "kramer".
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