MIke Donates $10 to the Shenanigans mirror.
So last night, Mike, Duke, Rusty, Chris and I decided to have an impromptu drinking session to celebrate the 11 straight days of rain that we've been having. So, during this process we play some beruit, crush some beers and essentially drink every last drop of frothy ale that was in my refrigerator. At this point, The Duke stepped it up bigtime and dontated a handle of Bacardi to the cause so we all contined to down the bottle until it was a mere shadow of its former self. Several shots later we're all absolutly shithammered and outside on the back porch, this is when The Duke decided it would be a fantastic idea to whip up several packages of ramen and serve us some 3:00 AM noodles. Great idea Duke, as a matter of fact, Mike thought it was such an amazing idea he went ahead and donated a $10 spot to Shenanigans marked "3:00 AM Ramen", outstanding Michael, that's how you fucking debate.
Kudos to The Duke for the 3:00 AM ramen noodles.
Kudos to The Duke for the 3:00 AM ramen noodles.

i missed the fun :(
1:06 AM
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