Enough Dell?

So, many of you are aware that I deal exclusively with Dell for all my hardware, software and peripherals.

Today, I got in so much product that they sent a special logistics carrier to deliver it. UPS, DHL and FedEx didn't have local trucks that could empty a couple of palates of gear so they sent a special truck. Here's a picture of my office, or what is left of it.

It seems that every time I turn around there's just one more box from Dell coming in. I'm starting to have nightmares about start menus and express service codes.

But wait, there's more. The Dell piles are starting to take over key strategic points in the office. They're blocking access to supplies, coffee, doors and water! I think the boxes are plotting a secret revolt against the employees here...

Dell stack near the back door of the office and blocks the exit in case of an emergency.

Dell blocks access to the supply closet, setting off a chain reaction of empty staplers and pencils without lead

A 131 pound server box blocks access to the water cooler and mail boxes, employees go thirsty for days, some die from lack of hydration.

So, as you can see, Dell is slowly overtaking my entire office with product and setting off a chain reaction of office supply droughts and employee fatigue.

I'm going to get in another truckload of equipment later this week, that should just about fill the 1st floor of the building...

Shout out to our Dell rep, Kyle for the insane service he's been hooking us up with for the past year.
(Ohh man, I just gave shout outs to our Dell rep. This is a new level of dorkitude for MMP.)
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