The Big Winner

So, this past weekend in Park City we had a casino night. Fake money natch, c'mon it was in Utah people. We were each given $250 in chips to start the night out and could play poker, blackjack or craps. At the end of the night, for every $100 in chips you had you could exchange them for a raffle ticket. There were some pretty sweet prizes, round trip plane tickets, a sweet pair of Atomic Super Cross skis, DNA jacket, free lodging in town, lift tickets for friends, etc.

During the course of the night, I somehow managed to parlay my initial $250 into $1200+ worth of funny money and ended up with 12 tickets for the raffle. I don't know crap about gambling, however I do know that in order to win big you have to gamble big. Thanks to some extremely lucky hands of blackjack with $400+ on the table I managed to get the dough. Now, if this was my money I'd be betting like a pussy, $5 and maybe the occasional $10 hand. However, when it isn't my money and there aren't any consequences like not being able to pay rent, I go balls to the wall.

So, long story short when it was time to select the raffle winners I ended up winning the $270+ dollar DNA Jacket and the sick ass pair of Atomic Super Cross skis with bindings. People there were pissed that I somehow managed to win all the sweet prizes and they were winning things like keychains and Park City t-shirts. Well, that's the breaks folks.

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12:07 AM

I love it! I did the same thing at the charity ball here once, and I fell in love with black jack. Damn if I didn't turn 20K of funny money into five times that. What a blast. Good for you.    

2:28 PM

Send me some swag. I need outerwear.DJAK    

6:49 PM

Hey Mr. Broverload. I like how you got ripped and started getting all bi-lidge in Park Slitty. Keep it real.


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