My lame Friday nights.
This sucks...
My Friday nights have now become boring and uneventful. Yeah, living out here has some drawbacks, namely that my friends are 2000 miles away having a good time without me. See, usually I'd be in the car on a Friday night. Either driving to my place in Maine, hanging in Worcester with Rusty or in Boston. Out here, it is a different story. I don't have the boozbag, crazy-ass friends that I had back east. So that means that my weekends pretty much consist of skiing and going to bed early... Pathetic.
So, what did I do tonight... I went to CU Boulder to their rail jam to cover it for the magazine. Super lame. I worked on a Friday night. What is even worse, is that my photos came out like a steaming pile of dog shit.
Ugh, to top it all off, my knee is a fucking mess and kills. Yeah, I'm going to ski on it this weekend. Why, because I'm in Colorado, Copper just got 10+ inches of snow and it is going to be sunny all weekend. Nothing a little advil and MD 20/20 can't fix, right. I know I'm going to need surgery on it at some point in the near future, so what the hell?
My Friday nights have now become boring and uneventful. Yeah, living out here has some drawbacks, namely that my friends are 2000 miles away having a good time without me. See, usually I'd be in the car on a Friday night. Either driving to my place in Maine, hanging in Worcester with Rusty or in Boston. Out here, it is a different story. I don't have the boozbag, crazy-ass friends that I had back east. So that means that my weekends pretty much consist of skiing and going to bed early... Pathetic.
So, what did I do tonight... I went to CU Boulder to their rail jam to cover it for the magazine. Super lame. I worked on a Friday night. What is even worse, is that my photos came out like a steaming pile of dog shit.
Ugh, to top it all off, my knee is a fucking mess and kills. Yeah, I'm going to ski on it this weekend. Why, because I'm in Colorado, Copper just got 10+ inches of snow and it is going to be sunny all weekend. Nothing a little advil and MD 20/20 can't fix, right. I know I'm going to need surgery on it at some point in the near future, so what the hell?