Mountain Lion repellant?
Last week I drove up to Flagstaff Mountain, which is one of the low hills that is in Boulder to see what the front range mountains looked like. Here's a picture.
Little did I know that the place I was taking the picture from is where a 7 year old was attacked BY A MOUNTAIN LION the day after. Back east we don't exactly have anything dangerous in the woods, ya know, like LIONS. I think the biggest thing I used to worry about was deer ticks, and with a good repellant you can pretty much avoid them.
Do they even make a lion repellant? I think they call it a 12 gauge.
Read up on the great lion strike of 2006.
Little did I know that the place I was taking the picture from is where a 7 year old was attacked BY A MOUNTAIN LION the day after. Back east we don't exactly have anything dangerous in the woods, ya know, like LIONS. I think the biggest thing I used to worry about was deer ticks, and with a good repellant you can pretty much avoid them.
Do they even make a lion repellant? I think they call it a 12 gauge.
Read up on the great lion strike of 2006.