Kanye West, shut the fuck up.
Had I actually bought your cd, I would have returned it.
Seriously guy, what were you thinking going off script at a benefit concert / fund raiser for Katrina victims. We all get it, the media puts a spin on things. Fact is, people were looting, over 90% of people stranded in New Orleans were black, get over it. You should be concerned with helping these people, not slamming the president, disaster relief organizations or pushing your own personal agenda on national television. NBC did your ass a favor by putting you on this disaster relief show because you've got the spotlight now, your new cd is out and selling well, you were just on the VMA's, etc. This was a great chance for you to be a classy individual and help some people out, not sound like a desparate lunatic on television and say that the President hates black people.
Ohh yeah, and get a load at how uncomfortable Mike Meyers is with this whole thing. Dude, you gotta be doing something mental to make Mike Meyers feel out of place. The guy dressed up as Fat Bastard and rubbed his fake man nipples with pizza, so you know it takes alot to freak him. And ohh yeah, Mike Meyers isn't even from AMERICA and he's helping out! I'm pretty sure Chris Tucker wanted to say some insane shit, but held it back.
Mike Thomas: what a mindless rant that was
Mike Thomas: thats a saturday night live skit i hope
Mike Thomas: he randomly shouts out "GEORGE BUSH DOESNT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE!!!
Mike Thomas: he is dressed like a 12 year old
Dave Amirault: he dresses like he found everything on the floor of Fonsworth Bentley's closet
Seriously guy, what were you thinking going off script at a benefit concert / fund raiser for Katrina victims. We all get it, the media puts a spin on things. Fact is, people were looting, over 90% of people stranded in New Orleans were black, get over it. You should be concerned with helping these people, not slamming the president, disaster relief organizations or pushing your own personal agenda on national television. NBC did your ass a favor by putting you on this disaster relief show because you've got the spotlight now, your new cd is out and selling well, you were just on the VMA's, etc. This was a great chance for you to be a classy individual and help some people out, not sound like a desparate lunatic on television and say that the President hates black people.
Ohh yeah, and get a load at how uncomfortable Mike Meyers is with this whole thing. Dude, you gotta be doing something mental to make Mike Meyers feel out of place. The guy dressed up as Fat Bastard and rubbed his fake man nipples with pizza, so you know it takes alot to freak him. And ohh yeah, Mike Meyers isn't even from AMERICA and he's helping out! I'm pretty sure Chris Tucker wanted to say some insane shit, but held it back.
Just watch the video and find out what I'm talking about.
Mike Thomas: what a mindless rant that was
Mike Thomas: thats a saturday night live skit i hope
Mike Thomas: he randomly shouts out "GEORGE BUSH DOESNT CARE ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE!!!
Mike Thomas: he is dressed like a 12 year old
Dave Amirault: he dresses like he found everything on the floor of Fonsworth Bentley's closet

i think that entire post was a mindless rant.......Bush is a complete moron, so are Bush's main people who continued to say "It's not really that bad, that's just the same spot they are showing over and over again" for three days before they even did shit. Huge respect to Kanye for speaking his mind......go ahead and make fun of this and say Bush is some kind of great president - it'll be the funniest thing you've ever posted by far.
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