Test drive a new Mac Mini!
Those of you that think Mac's suck need to realize that Windows sucks. Tired of fighting spyware, viruses, a never ending barrage of spam, daily windows updates and the other associated bullshit that comes with running a Windows box? GET A FREAKIN MAC! I've got one, it always runs, it doesn't give me any trouble and it does everything a windows box does and more.
Now, the apple store is offering a 30 day money back test drive of the all new Mac Mini. You have no excuse. Get a mac.
Now, the apple store is offering a 30 day money back test drive of the all new Mac Mini. You have no excuse. Get a mac.
Head over to the apple store! Get yours now!

The only reason there's no spyware on a Mac is because there's not enough people with them to warrant such internet hackery. Macs blow. Ipods rule.
12:46 AM
so mac's suck so much that apple is willing to let people "borrow" them for a month until they can afford a computer that has 2 mouse buttons?
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