Hunting with shotgun only.

Ok, so Pfif, Walsh and I went to Maine on Saturday night for a party in Cumberland. It was a crazy ass time. There were at least 50 people there, a barn that had a full bar, PA system, 4 beruit tables and a grill. It was insane. Since we were in the middle of nowhere in Maine there were some pretty interesting road signs so I grabbed the digital camera and the nearest bike and started peddling around the neighborhood around sunset. I managed to spot a legit road sign that said "Hunting By Shotgun Only" so I hopped off the bike and started to white balance and take some pics... Then a police car pulled up next to me and put its lights on. No joke. Officer asshole got out and told me that there was a complaint that there was a kid wearing a plaid shirt riding around the neighborhood on a bike drinking a beer. At that point I informed officer ass fucker that I was not wearing a plaid shirt and that I haven't had one on that night because it wouldn't match my plaid shorts. He then took offense and called in on his radio to ask if it was a plaid shirt or plaid shorts, dispatch immediately said that it was a plaid shirt. After hearing this officer but plug then got on the radio again and said that he had someone with a pink shirt and blue plaid shorts, dispatch responded that it didn't fit the description. The officer then said I was free to go, I wished him luck on his ghost chase and continued to take pictures of the most hilarious road sign ever. But it doesn't end there....

After taking pictures of the sign and officer donkey raper left I started exploring a little more and called Rob to inform him that I was just pulled over on a bike and that the five-o's would be patrolling heavily. He then called me back a couple seconds later saying that the officer would like a word with me. So I pedal back to find out that officer a-hole had stopped right outside the house and was talking to Rob and Adam. He then asked for my ID and ran my information through the grid. After coming out squeaky clean he then said that he didn't think I looked 21 and he was just checking. I then told him that he didn't need to run my information and background through dispatch to find out my age and that it was clearly printed in the upper left on my Rhode Island ID. I then asked if he wanted anything else, he said no and that I was free to go. So I hopped back on my bike, rang the bell on the handlebars and completely ignored his weak "Have a good night". Rob and Adam then explained that this particular cop has it in for them because he can never find enough evidence to bust them. I guess he's just a douchebag and I got caught up in the middle of it. Great.

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4:27 PM

cops hate you, eh?    

4:13 PM

All that narrative and no pics at the end? Tell me you held it together long enough to get something on camera other than my stellar dance moves...    

9:41 PM

Some additional info on officer ass hat... He came back at 3:00am with some of his buddies to try and crash the party. I guess it was really Derek's. I mean who lights off a shit load of fireworks and then when the cops show, strip all their clothes off and run around the house, in the door on the other side and put on new clothes. We all know officer shit bag sucks at life, but no one is that stupid. Derek's latenight run aside, the cops not only conducted an illegal search of my house and barn with out my consent, but they woke my ass up at 3:30am and wouldn't leave until I came out. Needless to say, I was still shitfaced and now I was extremely tired too. He tells me he's gonna "lock me up for disorderly conduct", because, you know, I must have been being disorderly... drunk..extrememly tired... barefoot...and simply wanting to return to bed... sounds pretty disorderly to me. He also said that if he had to come back one more time this summer, he would lock me up. For what you ask? ... you guessed it... disorderly conduct. Rather than spending the night on the cold bench in the lock up down on good olde tuttle road, I decided to tell him what he wanted to hear so I could return to passing out wasted.

The next business day, I stopped into the cumberland police HQ and had a nice long chat with officer ass clown's supervisor. I am a "concerned citizen, and feel like things could have been handled more professionally... " and so on, and so on.... in the words of his supervisor... "Officer M$@r@!#n, is still a turd right out of the chute!(no joke)...he has a tendancy to inflate his ego..." "Sir...clearly when I meet with Officer M$@#$@n this week, I will have to re-educate him on many matters, and I assure you that it won't happen again and Officer M@#$%^n shouldn't bother you again. Should you have any problems, please call me directly, here is my card, and I will report back to you next week to let you know how our meeting went..."


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